View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  03/03/2023 
Complaint  Me my significant other and children moved into this house approximately 2 months ago renting it from mr. and mrs. Ludwig. And upon moving in I asked about showing pipes in the backyard and the flooding yard and was promised it would be no problem. Since then I have discovered that sewage pipes have been busted in my yard the entire time. And I waited a month to have someone out here to fix it. Not only did they not entirely fix the situation. But they have raw sewage constantly flowing into my back yard with a pump and a water hose they installed in a no-pump septic tank. They also want to run the cord to the pump through my open back door at all times. My kids and dog cannot go in the yard because I?m scared of the sickness and anything else they will bring back in with them. I pay a very very expensive rent for a trailer. And I can not go outside in my yard that I pay $825 a month for. And they are doing nothing to fix it. Other than running the sewage directly into a ditch behind my house that is overflowing and running into my back yard constantly. This is a major health code violation and my children, my significant other, and myself are at risk.  
Date Of Resolution  06/28/2023 
Investigation History  Duplicate complaint  

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