View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  03/31/2023 
Complaint  My neighbor's sewage is in my yard. It's been there for a while now. The pump on her system is broken. It needs to be pumped out and a new pump installed. I have 4 grandkids and she has small kids. It's not safe for them, and it smells really bad. 
Date Of Resolution  10/10/2023 
Investigation History  4/18/2023:
Lift station that was repaired in 2023 appears to be malfunctioning again. Requesting 30 day letter to he sent to Kierra Denise Luckett

Inquires regarding certified mail receipt being returned went unanswered by central office staff. Requested that letter be sent regular mail.

Joined three way call with Randy Jones and realtor representing Kierra Luckett, who indicated that parts had been ordered to repair pump and they were expected to be delivered in three to four days.

Left voicemail for Ms. Wisdom to inquire as to whether any repairs had been made.

Spoke with Ms. Chandler, who indicated that her yard had dried up and the repairs that were made seemed to be working. 

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