View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  04/15/2023 
Complaint  My neighbors sewage is running into my yard. Where we live, we are supposed to have a treatment plan sewage. But they never got it. We have chickens and we have to walk there the sewage to feed my chickens and I?m just tired of it.  
Date Of Resolution  06/12/2023 
Investigation History  Site visit. Observed a lot of water in the neighbors yard. He says it is rain water and he dug a ditch to catch it. He also extended his field line (can see where work was done). No major sewage odor. Brent will take a look at it

Owner called last month to check on the status. He says there was a lot of water this weekend and it had not been raining. I told him Brent was coming to take a look at it.

6/4-called owner to see if they have noticed any improvements before I make another visit back out. She said she was busy and could not talk and would call me back.

6/12-site visit. Owner said he realized the repairs he made to field line had busted. He repaired this and added more field line. No water is observed today (and it rained hard last night). Complaint is closed  

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