View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  05/04/2023 
Complaint  The person at the above listed address has sewage running out of water pipes into the ditch and it's draining into the rest of our ditches going on down Holly hedges. If you drive by and look in the ditch you can clearly see that raw sewage has been sitting over in there. The smell is very foul and with the hot weather coming it's going to be even worse and we're going to have a major problem with flies. The city has already had to come out one time this year and scrape the ditches and you can't even tell that it's been done.
Residents on Holly Hedges are needing help. We have animals that's live on our property and it will make them sick.
We appreciate your time and attention on this matter.  
Date Of Resolution  10/31/2023 
Investigation History  Duplicate entry 

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