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Date Of Complaint  05/18/2023 
Complaint  GoodMorning my name is Shannika Pippin and the reason I?m trying to contact someone about some sewer water coming in my yard. I been asking the landlord Edward Latham to come fix it so it can stop coming in my yard but he don?t never reply back to me. So this morning I call the supervisor that over the road and they came out and told me it?s a sewer problem and I had to contact the wastewater. This been going on for 2 Months now and can someone please help me I?m scared a snake might bite one of my kids because my grand son be outside all the time after school. I?m not able to get my yard cut are maintenance because of that water. So can someone please reach back out to me about this situation and tell me what I need to do. 
Date Of Resolution  05/22/2023 
Investigation History  Made site visit, talked with Mrs Pippin. Observed clear water standing in her yard, no odor or gray water appearance.

She stated the home being complained has busted water lines and has to cut water off when not in use.

No positive discharge was found, found busted water line under mRs Pippins dwelling.

Problem appears to be water line issues from both homes flooding the area. suggested she contact landlord to repair lines first then notify MSDH if problem continues 

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