View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  08/04/2023 
Complaint  The properties sewage is running directly into lake/property.  
Date Of Resolution  08/09/2023 
Investigation History  Complaint investigation completed

A complaint has been filed on the small 5 unit multi family development sites located on Queen Road. The properties originally had septic tanks with straight pipes to the drop off area. Property was originally vacant but the existing systems were failed as non-operational. The existing non operational septic systems have already been replaced by new ATS overland discharge systems on the property per repair recommendation. The repair recommendations were made after receipt of a legally recorded wastewater easement to the 30 acre tract down slope from the property owner, Mr. Pollard. The units appeared to be functioning properly and there is no evidence that effluent is reaching the pond. The discharge lines are at least 350 feet plus from the pond.

A message has been left for Mr. Gonzalez to contact me. No further action will be taken at this time. 

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