View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  03/11/2009 
Complaint  mr. Holmes stated that his Atu was malfucntioning and that was discharging raw effluent on the ground. Stated that Michael Elkins installer would never come back out and fix it. Stated that his tank was exposed puddling effluent around it.  
Date Of Resolution  03/12/2009 
Investigation History  Oh lets see where to begin on this hornets nest of a problem. I spent about an hour or more out there with both the property owner and Michael Elkins. Well lets just say that I was had to be the mediator between the both of them and keep the PEACE. This case is multifaceted and where do I begin.
Well I don't think that this case has any merit again Michael Elkins. The tank was NOT uncovered like Mr. Lewis Holmes stated. The tank had settled a little bit, but there was no issue with butyl rubber or seals being exposed to ground water contamination. From Mr. Elkins stated to me was that when he first placed the system in the ground there were way more than what Mr. Holmes stated on his NOI. Mr. Elkins stated that at one point there were almost 9 people living in a four bedroom house. Again I have to stress that where does the validity between the two stories begin and end. Mr. Elkins was quite upset and stated that now he has a mark against him from the Health Department. Mr. Holmes stated that I told that person over the phone not to call you. He wanted us to go out and investigate why his ATU system that cost him 4,200 dollars was a piece of (BLANK)." This is side bar away from the above and I know it might be a little confusing." He said that the spray heads are constantly running and it smelled really bad. He stated that he's been putting in those chlorine tablets and still it smells like raw sewage. Well I asked him specifically what type of chlorine tablets they were. He said that he went to Wal-Mart and they showed him some chlorine tablets. I asked him were these tablets wastewater grade chlorine tablets? He was like Wastewater what? I thought they are the same. I had to inform him that was a primary problem that was causing the smell. The wrong chlorine tablets could have damaged the pump or caked to the side walls of the chlorine contact zone and no chlorine was down low enough to allow for the effluent to transfer over it. "I verified that when I got out there. the tablets used were not wastewater grade but pool grade."

As for trench lines leading to each spray head there was positive wastewater on the ground around the two heads closest to the tank, but then during this whole ordeal I had to ask Mr. Holmes how much water does he use daily. He stated that they use a lot of water, and his kids love to take a bath in the whirlpool tub. I know those tubs generate a lot of water and where is all of that going? HUM? I had to inform Mr. Holmes that he needs to minimize his water usage and reduce the amount of things going into the ATU to the best of his ability. Mr. Elkins stated that he would be back out here later on this afternoon to fix the problem, but he was pretty upset that we had to get involved. Again Mr. Holmes stated that he told me not call the installer. But I know for a fact that what he said over the phone is totally different than what was begin stated out in the field. I did not want to confront him on that, and just did my best to keep the peace between the two parties. I informed Mr. Holmes that I have to abide by the rules and regulations of the State of Mississippi and that if you call in a complaint against someone even if it is an installer we have to address it. Mr. Elkins left after that point and I stayed longer trying to explain to Mr. Holmes further on that ATU systems work but they just require a tad more care and maintenance. I also stated to Mr. Holmes that once he called you that this case had to be addressed. Even if he did not call you Charles I would have still had to address the problem. Mr. Holmes stated that this system is sucks, but in better and far more colorful metaphors. Again I had to tell him about the care and maintenance issue related to any Alternative system. I will go attempt to go back out some time later on today if time permits to verify what has been done on the situation.
03/12/209 Update by Lisa Taylor: Water records indicate 7-22,000 gallons per month. This system is undersized and owner should consult his installer re upgrade. Recommend pump system, reduce water and use ww grade chlorine tablets. Advised installer of this information. 

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