View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  04/20/2017 
Complaint  I recently had a Septic Tank installed on my property by Elk's Septic Service. I got the final approval on it from the Mississippi Dept of Health on March 2nd.

After the dirt had settled on the site it seemed that the actual septic tank was not buried deep enough when it was installed.

The attached photos depict the depth of the tank. As you can see, the tank elevation is well above the existing/normal ground level. The installer piled dirt up on top of the tank which concealed the elevation until it had rained and the dirt had settled.

In the attached photos I used a water bottle to gage the tank elevation above the natural elevation of the ground.

Please contact me and advise me of what options I have. I would like someone from the Department of Health to come out and look at it.


Date Of Resolution  04/21/2017 
Investigation History  Environmentalist investigated complaint on Friday, April 21, 2017 and found complaint to be unsubstantiated.
Environmentalist discussed the issue with property owner's son and was informed that the property owner had dug out around the tank leaving the tank exposed for erosion when it rains.
According to Mike Elkins, the property owner stated emphatically that he did not want risers on the ATU unit.
Mr.Elkins tried to place the unit where the owner desired but had nothing to gauge the exact placement of the tank by due to the fact there was no mobile home pad present, nothing marking the desired location of a future house site, and no foundation or stub out present at the time of installation.
Environmentalist noted that there was no water or electricity present where the ATU unit was placed, only an open field with a considerable amount of slope, thus the recommendation for a gravity fed overland distribution system.
Environmentalist directed property owner to take a load of top soil and distribute it out in a circular pattern feathering to away from tank planting grass over the area to minimize the knowledge of its presence. 

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